How to Improve Your Memory

As we’ve seen over the course of our latest series, keeping one’s memory in peak shape is a multi-faceted activity that depends on a broad array of factors. Once the basic functional needs for our brains have been met though, be it a healthy diet, sufficient sleep and consistent exposure to positive stimuli, we can effectively address the means to optimizing our memory with focused BrainHQ memory exercises.
The BrainHQ brain training program has been scientifically proven to deliver exceptional results. In the largest landmark study ever conducted to test the effectiveness of a widely available, cognitive training program, the Mayo Clinic IMPACT Study and ACTIVE Study results demonstrated the following key metrics:
Memory improved on average by 10+ years
Visual system improved by 300%
Peripheral vision improved by 200%
Hearing system improved by 131%
Car accident risks reduced by 50%
Below you’ll find a series of brain training exercises that can help you in seeing marked improvements for optimizing your memory skills functionality and performance.
Our memories are primarily shaped by what we see and hear. When we don’t remember people, places, things and events it’s not necessarily our memory failing us, but rather our brain not clearly recording the information observed. Creating a crystal-clear memory for recalling minute details, such as the shopping to-do-list, which quite inconveniently still lies forgotten on the kitchen counter, requires a sharpening of our perceptual senses. Here’s where to start improving your memory skills:
Finding yourself routinely forgetting where you left your keys? In all likelihood, it may be nothing more than a case of divided attention. This simply means you’re not making a conscious effort to focus on the task at hand. Fortunately, we have specially designed brain memory exercises to address just that:
Brain Speed
Brain speed is a critical factor in our abilities to effectively react and remember events as they unfold around us. To help get you started in fine-tuning your brain speed for optimal performance, try the following sound and visual training exercises:
People Skills
Easily remembering names and faces is something most of us take granted, while we’re still in our early twenties and thirties. Add a few decades say 3, 4 or more and things start getting quite a bit more challenging! Think of all those social butterflies that always seemed to be in-the-know, while remembering faces, facts and figures from years gone by with apparent ease. Well, they are few and far between once the high school reunions start reaching their 50th anniversaries! Why not get started now and sharpen up your people skills? Not only will it help you develop a closer relationship with all the people that matter most in your life, you may well find yourself looking forward to reunions with a whole new attitude and perspective!
Please be sure to join us next week as we conclude our memory series. Until then, keep improving and fine-tuning your memory banks on the brain training circuit and check out how the rest of our BrainHQ brain training exercises can help you excel your performance.
DynamicBrain Inc. is the Canadian Partner of Posit Science Corporation providing brain fitness program, BrainHQ in English and French.