Published Research on BrainHQ and Vision and Hearing
You can have near-perfect eyes and ears, and still have trouble hearing and seeing. Why? Because the brain plays a major role in vision and hearing, too. The brain has to process the raw information that your eyes and ears deliver in order for you to make sense of that information. If your brain’s processing is slow or inaccurate, you may have trouble understanding what it is that you see or hear.
BrainHQ exercises are designed to increase processing speed (so your brain keeps up with the pace of information coming in), decrease fuzziness (so your brain makes a clear picture for you), and sharpen attention (so your brain chemicals pump and your focus improves). This may explain why BrainHQ exercises have been shown to improve vision and hearing in several published scientific articles. Among other things, these papers show that training with BrainHQ can improve:
neural timing in auditory information processing, with the result that people are better able to understand speech in the presence of background noise.
neural amplitude in visual information processing, suggesting that visual attention is better directed towards relevant visual stimuli.
Information and citations for research on the effects of BrainHQ training on vision and hearing
In general, these studies were conducted in cognitively healthy adults aged 65 and older, and in some cases, aged 50 and older. Remember that studies show average results, and that individual results will vary. Where published studies make reference to clinical populations, it is for informational purposes only. BrainHQ is not intended to diagnose or treat any clinical condition.
Training changes processing of speech cues in older adults with hearing loss
Anderson et al. (2013)
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
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Reversal of age-related neural timing delays with training
Anderson et al. (2013)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
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The influence of perceptual training on working memory in older adults
Berry et al. (2010)
PLoS One
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Neural plasticity underlying visual perceptual learning in aging
Mishra et al. (2015)
Brain Research
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