- Home
- Why Brain Training with BrainHQ
- About Our Brain Fitness Excercises
- Memory Grid
- To-Do List Training
- Syllable Stacks
- Scene Crasher
- Divided Attention
- Double Decision
- Mixed Signals
- Target Tracker
- Freeze Frame
- Eye for Detail
- Fine Tuning
- Hawk Eye
- Sound Sweeps
- Visual Sweeps
- Face to Face
- In the Know
- Recognition
- Face Facts
- Auditory Ace
- Card Shark
- Juggle Factor
- Mental Map
- Optic Flow
- Right Turn
- True North
- Mind Bender
- Rhythm Recall
- Hear Hear
- Mind's Eye
- Divided Attention
- Target Tracker
- Hawk Eye
- Visual Sweeps
- BrainHQ Exercise Tutorials
- Freeze Frame Tutorial
- Target Tracker Tutorial
- Mixed Signals Tutorial
- Sound Sweeps Tutorial
- Fine Tuning Tutorial
- In The Know Tutorial
- Divided Attention Tutorial
- Memory Grid Tutorial
- Syllable Stacks Tutorial
- To-do List Training Tutorial
- Auditory Ace Tutorial
- Hear Hear Tutorial
- Rhythm Recall Tutorial
- Double Decision Tutorial
- Hawk Eye Tutorial
- Visual Sweeps Tutorial
- Eye for Detail Tutorial
- Scene Crasher Tutorial
- Card Shark Tutorial
- Face Facts Tutorial
- Face to Face Tutorial
- Juggle Factor Tutorial
- Mental Map Tutorial
- Mind Bender Tutorial
- Mind’s Eye Tutorial
- Optic Flow Tutorial
- Recognition Tutorial
- Right Turn Tutorial
- True North Tutorial
- Double Decision Exercise Demo
- BrainHQ Level-Training
- Unique Benefits of BrainHQ
- World Class Science
- I Want to Challenge My Attention
- I Want to Challenge My Memory
- I Want to Challenge My Brain Speed
- I Want to Challenge My Navigation
- I Want to Challenge My People Skills
- I Want to Challenge My Intelligence
- Your Custom Designed Brain Training Program
- Studies & Clinical Trials
- Partners
- What BrainHQ Customers Say
- Coming Soon
- World Class Science
- Useful Links
- About Our Brain Fitness Excercises
- The Science Behind It
- Dr. Michael Merzenich, PhD
- The Science: Studies & Clinical Trials
- The IMPACT Study
- The ACTIVE Study
- The IHAMS Study
- Published Scientific Studies
- Improvement in memory with plasticity-based adaptive cognitive training: results of the 3-month follow-up.
- BrainHQ is effective in home or under supervision and for multiple age groups
- The effect of speed-of-processing training on depressive symptoms in ACTIVE
- Speed of processing in older adults: a cognitive overview for nursing
- Exploratory study of incident vehicle crashes among older drivers
- A preliminary assessment of the medical and functional factors associated with vehicle crashes by older adults.
- A prospective, population-based study of the role of visual impairment in motor vehicle crashes among older drivers: the SEE study.
- Cognitive training changes hippocampal function in mild cognitive impairment: a pilot study
- Traffic-entry behavior and crash risk for older drivers with impairment of selective attention
- Vision impairment, eye disease, and injurious motor vehicle crashes in the elderly.
- Visual processing impairment and risk of motor vehicle crash among older adults.
- Identifying crash involvement among older drivers: agreement between self-report and state records.
- Cognitive Speed of Processing Training Can Promote Community Mobility among Older Adults: A Brief Review.
- Cognitive Speed of Processing Training Delays Driving Cessation
- The Longitudinal Impact of Cognitive Speed of Processing Training on Driving Mobility
- Tonic and phasic alertness training: a novel behavioral therapy to improve spatial and non-spatialattention in patients with hemispatial neglect.
- Cognitive training decreases motor vehicle collision involvement of older drivers
- The impact of speed of processing training on cognitive and everyday functions
- Visual attention problems as a predictor of vehicle crashes in older drivers. Print
- The useful field of view test: a new technique for evaluating age-related declines in visual function.
- Computer-based cognitive training for mild cognitive impairment: results from a pilot randomized, controlled trial
- Useful field of view after traumatic brain injury
- Using neuroplasticity-based auditory training to improve verbal memory in schizophrenia
- Nurse-Enhanced Memory Intervention in Heart Failure: the MEMOIR study
- Speed of Processing Training With Middle-Age and Older Adults With HIV: A Pilot Study PrintP
- The AD-AChEI Study
- Memory enhancement in healthy older adults using a brain plasticity-based training program: a randomized, controlled study
- Alabama Senior Driver Study
- Brain-Plasticity-Based Cognitive Training in Cancer Survivors with Self-Reported Memory Impairment
- Age and visual search: expanding the useful field of view
- Brain plasticity and functional losses in the aged: scientific bases for a novel intervention PrintPrintEmail
- Computer-Based Therapy for Mild Cognitive Impairment: results from a pilot randomized, controlled trial
- Predictors of driving exposure and avoidance in a field study of older drivers from the state of Maryland
- Cumulative meta-analysis of the relationship between useful field of view and driving performance in older adults: current and future implications
- Association between visual attention and mobility in older adults
- Relation of useful field of view and other screening tests to on-road driving performance
- Visual/cognitive correlates of vehicle accidents in older drivers
- Speed-of-processing and driving simulator training result in improved driving performance
- Effects of cognitive training interventions with older adults: a randomized controlled trial
- Acquired brain injury, visual attention, and the useful field of view test: A pilot study PrintPrintEmail
- Can high-risk older drivers be identified through performance-based measures in a Department of Motor Vehicles setting?
- Divided visual attention as a predictor of bumping while walking: the Salisbury Eye Evaluation.
- The ACTIVE cognitive training trial and predicted medical expenditures
- Does Cognitive Training Improve Internal Locus of Control Among Older Adults?
- The ACTIVE cognitive training interventions and the onset of and recovery from suspected clinical depression
- Transfer of a speed of processing intervention to near and far cognitive functions
- Risk of falls and motor vehicle collisions in glaucoma
- The effects of the ACTIVE cognitive training trial on clinically relevant declines in health-related quality of life
- Long-term effects of cognitive training on everyday functional outcomes in older adults
- The ACTIVE cognitive training trial and health-related quality of life: protection that lasts for 5 years.
- UFOV performance and driving ability following traumatic brain injury
- Cognitive Training for Tinnitus
- Improving Cognitive Speed of Processing in Adults Aging with HIV
- Cognitive Training for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Print
- Brain Fitness in Parkinson's Disease
- Brain Fitness for Improved Quality of Life in Chronic Heart Failure
- A cognitive training program based on principles of brain plasticity: results from the Improvement in Memory with Plasticity-based Adaptive Cognitive Training (IMPACT) study.
- The neural correlates of an expanded functional field of view
- The influence of perceptual training on working memory in older adults
- Speed of processing training protects self-rated health in older adults: enduring effects observed in the multi-site ACTIVE randomized controlled trial
- Evaluation of Approaches to Auditory Rehabilitation For Mild TBI
- Combined Cognitive Remediation and Vocational Therapies for Schizophrenia Print
- Improving Task Engagement in Schizophrenia
- BrainHQ benefits last for at least 10 years
- BrainHQ improves gait and balance in older adults
- BrainHQ training improves several measures of cognitive functioning
- BrainHQ benefits transfer to real-world abilities
- BrainHQ can reverse age-related declines in processing speed
- BrainHQ improves balance and gait; may prevent falls
- BrainHQ improves brain speed; effects last for 2+ years
- BrainHQ memory and perception and drives physical brain growth
- BrainHQ memory benefits last at least 3 months
- BrainHQ shows promise for improving aging
- BrainHQ can facilitate neural plasticity and increase cognitive reserve in aging
- BrainHQ is a viable therapy option for people with TBI
- Useful Field of View and Other Neurocognitive Indicators of Crash Risk in Older Adults
- BrainHQ performance predicts fall risk
- BrainHQ improves health outcomes in aging
- BrainHQ is recommended for improving aging outcomes
- BrainHQ performance predicts crash risk
- Using BrainHQ can result in far transfer effects
- Scientific Studies In-Progress
- BrainHQ for Schizophrenia
- BrainHQ for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Veterans and Soldiers
- BrainHQ for ADHD in children
- BrainHQ improves cognitive skills in police officers
- BrainHQ and Alzheimer's Disease
- BrainHQ in healthy aging
- BrainHQ for Tinnitus
- BrainHQ in schizophrenia
- BrainHQ improves brain speed in HIV-related cognitive decline
- BrainHQ in learning and memory for healthy adults
- BrainHQ for Parkinson's disease
- BrainHQ feasibility for HIV-related decline
- BrainHQ for Huntington's disease
- BrainHQ in stroke patients
- BrainHQ for PTSD
- BrainHQ for quality of life in chronic heart failure
- BrainHQ for auditory deficits in vets with TBI
- BrainHQ and vocational therapy for schizophrenia
- BrainHQ for improved cognition in cancer survivors
- BrainHQ for task engagement in schizophrenia
- BrainHQ for child victims of abuse and neglect
- BrainHQ for parolees in a rehabilitation program
- BrainHQ to increase brain resilience and delay decline
- BrainHQ for improved aging outcomes
- BrainHQ and crash risk among senior drivers
- Research into Specific Health Conditions
- Over 200 Published Research Studies
- Posit Science Staff
- Clinical Collaborators & University Partners
- Contributing Scientists
- The Science: Studies & Clinical Trials
- Checklist for Brain Training
- Information for Researchers
- Over 100 Published Research Studies
- The Latest Research Studies and Interesting News
- Resources
- Important Facts & Common Myths
- The Brain Basics
- Facts About the Brain
- Baby Talk
- Babies Brain's Neurons
- Eyes Blind Spots
- Brain Measurements
- Blood Used by Your Brain
- Oxygen Used by Your Brain
- Brain Rapid Growth
- Ears Emit Sounds
- Reptiles Yawn!
- Your Little Brain
- Small Hole Magic!
- Miles of Neurons
- Newborns Distinguish Speech
- No Blind Spot for Octopus
- No Pain in Brain
- Peripheral Vision at Night
- Reading Aloud and Child Developmen
- Scratching an Itch
- Working Memory Capacity
- Brain Myths
- The Ten Percent Brain Myth
- Right-brained? Left-brained?
- Brain Damage is Permanent
- Five Brain Facts (Video)
- Put Your Knowledge to the Test with a Crossword Puzzle
- How Hearing Works
- How Vision Works
- Your Brain in Love
- Menopause and Your Brain
- What is Chemobrain?
- Keeping Your Brain Fit
- Plasticity of Your Brain
- Brain Tricks & Teasers
- Memory Improvement & Loss
- Research in Specific Health Conditions
- Brain Image Gallery
- Brain Healthy Foods Nutrition
- Brain Healthy Recipes
- Spiced Carrot Soup
- Sweet and Sour Indian Chicken
- Lebanese Turmeric Cake
- Chana Masala with Mushrooms
- Chana Masala with Mushrooms
- Mediterranean Tuna Sandwich
- Soy & Sesame Wild Salmon
- Sardine, Chickpea & Celery Salad
- Orecchiette with Spinach, Shrimp & Garlic Chips
- Brain Healthy Foods and Ingredients
- Spicy Lime Black Beans
- Cannellini and Tomato Panade
- Napa Farmhouse 1885 Beans & Greens
- Spinach Dhal
- Potato Salad with Yogurt Vinaigrette
- Arctic Char with Yogurt Sauce
- Yogurt with Honey Baked Figs
- Stuffed Artichokes with Gremolata
- Banana Bread Pudding
- Sageberry Popsicles
- No-Sugar Sesame Cookies
- Chocolate Fudge and Fruit
- Broccoli Kale Soup
- Spinach & Caramelized Onion Tart
- Oatmeal Blackcurrant Pancakes
- Lemony Collard Greens
- Brain Healthy Recipes
- The DynamicBrain Newsletter
- Important Facts & Common Myths
- Company Info
- News
- BrainHQ Crushes Competition in First Review of Science Behind Brain Apps
- Chemobrain First Practical Intervention
- Unique Brain Exercise Shown in Study to Lower Risk of Dementia
- DynamicBrain Launches BrainHQ for CARP Members
- BrainHQ Training Benefits Last 10 Years
- DynamicBrain Launches BrainHQ in French
- DynamicBrain Launches BrainHQ
- Brain Training and Chemotherapy
- Brain Training and HIV
- Can You Hear Me Now?
- BrainHQ Against Crossword Puzzles
- Group Newsletter Archive
- BrainHQ Training Benefits Children with ADHD
- FTC Takes Action on Brain Training
- Unique Brain Exercise Shown in Study to Lower Risk of Dementia
- Brain Exercises May Help with Impact of Ringing in the Ears
- Bipolar and Brain Training
- Press Releases
- NIH-funded Study of Brain Training Makes TIME List of Top Scientific Discoveries of the Year
- More Brain Training is Better in Parkinson's Patients
- New Patent on Software
- Brain Training and Multiple Sclerosis
- Effective Intervention Against Dementia
- Brain Training Shown Effective Against Chemobrain
- Testing
- Partners
- Driving Cognitive Training Centre
- Sites
- News
- The Latest News on Brain Training and Dementia
- Breaking News on Brain Training and Dementia
- Breaking News on Brain Training and Dementia
- The Latest News on Brain Training and Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment
- The Latest News on Brain Training and Dementia
- Researchers Find BrainHQ Has the Most and Best Science
- Parkinson's: More Brain Training is Better in Parkinson's Patients
- Brain Training and Dementia
- Brain Training Addresses ICU-induced Cognitive Impairment and Delirium
- Brain Exercise Improves Brain Function in Retirement Community Population
- Brain Training Upregulates Acetylcholine - Alzheimer’s Related Study
- Growing Consensus that the Right Kinds of Brain Training Work
- USA - BrainHQ Brain Exercises Spread Across 2019 Medicare Advantage Plans
- US National Cancer Institute Designates BrainHQ as a Research-Tested Intervention Program
- Study Reveals Brain Signature of Depressed Mood
- Brain Training Can be a Life Saver at Work
- First Effective Scalable Intervention for Common Post Stroke Deficits
- Brain Exercises Drive Gains in Pre-Dementia Patients
- UFOV Assessment
- Telehealth Cognitive Rehabilitation
- Geriatric Depression
- Schizophrenia
- BrainHQ in Combination with Other Interventions Reduces Alzheimer’s Risk
- Brain Training Can Help With Bipolar Disorder
- What Works to Improve Older Driver Safety
- Brain Training Studies Biggest Year Ever
- PACT Study
- How Brain Training May Help with Depressive Symptoms
- Brain Training Can Address Persistent Issues from Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Positive Results for People with Pre dementia Conditions
- Groups
- Cognitive Decline and Dementia May Be Preventable and Reversible
- Mountain of Evidence on Brain Training
- Lowering Dementia Risk
- Large study finds brain training can reduce falls in older adults
- Help Centre
- Brain Training Improve Clinical and Cognitive Measures in Autism
- Brain Exercise Helps with Knee Surgery Recovery - A Surprising Study
- BrainHQ selected for NIH-funded Study for Long Covid Cognitive Issues
- This Brain Training Resulted in Better Performance and Less Atrophy in the Brain
- Aging Technology has a Multiplier Effect Like Investment in Spac
- Federation of Québec Alzheimer Societies BrainHQ Coaches Corner
- Federation of Québec Alzheimer Societies BrainHQ Users Corner
- Why Brain Training with BrainHQ
- Accueil
- Pourquoi BrainHQ
- A propos des exercices BrainHQ
- Rappeler scène
- Grille-mémoire
- Attention partagée
- Suivez la cible
- Double décision
- Signaux mélangés
- Arrêt sur image
- Œil de faucon
- Balayages visuels
- Balayages sonores
- Attention aux détails
- Reconnaissance
- Face à face
- As visuels
- Jongleur
- Rotation mentale
- Carte mentale
- Débit visuel
- As auditif
- Vrai nord
- Histoires de visages
- Au diapason
- Ordre des syllabes
- Rappel rythmique
- Cerveau agile
- Bien entendu
- Restez concentré
- Suivre la liste
- Être au courant
- Tutoriels des exercices BrainHQ
- Tutoriel de Double décision
- Tutoriel de Signaux mélangés
- Tutoriel de Suivez la cible
- Tutoriel de Attention aux détails
- Tutoriel de Au diapason
- Tutoriel de Œil de faucon
- Tutoriel de Balayages sonores
- Tutoriel de Balayages visuels
- Tutoriel de Grille-mémoire
- Tutoriel de Suivre la liste
- Tutoriel de Ordre des syllabes
- Tutoriel d'Attention partagée
- Tutoriel d'Arrêt image
- Tutoriel de Rappeler scène
- Tutoriel de Rappel rythmique
- Tutoriel de Bien entendu
- Tutoriel de Restez concentré
- Tutoriel de Reconnaissance
- Tutoriel de Être au courant
- Tutoriel de Face à face
- Tutoriel de Histoires de visages
- Tutoriel de As visuel
- Tutoriel de Jongleur
- Tutoriel de As auditif
- Tutoriel de Cerveau agile
- Tutoriel de Rotation mentale
- Tutoriel de Vrai nord
- Tutoriel de Carte mentale
- Tutoriel de Débit visuel
- Tutoriel de Double décision
- Je veux améliorer mon ATTENTION
- Je veux améliorer ma MEMOIRE
- Je veux améliorer ma VITESSE
- Je veux améliorer mon LOCOMOTION
- Je veux améliorer mon ENTREGENT
- Je veux améliorer mon INTELLIGENCE
- Témoignages
- Formation efficace du cerveau
- Sciences de classe mondiale
- Partenaires et Affiliés
- Entraînez votre cerveau à votre façon
- A propos des exercices BrainHQ
- Science
- Ressources
- Blog
- Commencez dès maintenant
- Informations sur la compagnie
- Commencez maintenant
- Nouvelles
- Conduire Centre de formation cognitive
- Les dernières nouvelles à propos de l'entraînement cérébral et de la démence
- Du nouveau à propos de l'entraînement cérébral et de la dysfonction cognitive liée au cancer
- Les dernières nouvelles à propos de l'entraînement cérébral et de la démence
- Entraînement cérébral et démence
- Évaluation du champ visuel utile
- Une année sans égale pour les études sur l'entraînement cérébral
- Groupes
- Centre d'aide
- Comment m’inscrire à BrainHQ?
- Comment me connecter à BrainHQ?
- Comment réinitialiser mon mot de passe?
- Forfaits familiaux BrainHQ
- Comment acheter un abonnement-cadeau?
- Les exercices ne se chargent pas?
- Que faire si un exercice BrainHQ ne s’affiche pas entièrement dans l’écran?
- Comment personnaliser votre entraînement
- Comment gérer les utilisateurs dans le portail de groupe
- Comment suivre l'utilisation dans le portail de groupe
- Comment suivre les performances dans le portail de groupe
- Comment assigner des évaluations et interpréter les résultats dans le portail de groupe
- Introduction à l'évaluation du champ visuel utile (UFOV)
- Comment puis-je acheter des évaluations UFOV?
- Comment puis-je fournir des évaluations UFOV à mes participants?
- Conditions de test optimales
- Portail de groupe et télécharger les résultats des tests
- BrainHQ - Entraînement par niveau
- Les preuves de l'efficacité de BrainHQ n’ont cessé de s’accumuler en 2022
- Fédération des sociétés Alzheimer du Québec Coin des coachs BrainHQ
- Fédération des sociétés Alzheimer du Québec Coin des utilisateurs BrainHQ
- Pourquoi BrainHQ