Imaging Research on BrainHQ
When brain function improves, it generally reflects a change in the brain itself. Parts of the brain can grow larger, neurons can move more quickly or in better coordination, and so on. Twelve imaging studies have taken a look inside the brain, and shown that there were measureable changes in the brains of people who used exercises in BrainHQ. This is important: these studies don’t just show that people do better on tests of cognitive function, nor do they rely on what people say about how sharp they feel. Instead, the brain imaging actually shows differences in the brain after training that often correlate to the improvements the people experience in their brain function.
An EEG study showed that using a specific BrainHQ visual exercise – Visual Sweeps – can improve a brain biomarker for attention as well as improving working memory performance.
Another EEG study showed that using a set of BrainHQ visual exercises improved brain biomarkers for attentional allocation and capacity enhancement.
A brain imaging study showed that training with a selection of BrainHQ’s exercises changed the integrity of occipito-temporal white matter, which was associated with better problem-solving and reasoning.
fMRI data showed training-related activation in areas associated with orienting visual attention.
Information and citations for imaging studies on BrainHQ
In general, these studies were conducted in cognitively healthy adults aged 65 and older, and in some cases, aged 50 and older. Remember that studies show average results, and that individual results will vary. Where published studies make reference to clinical populations, it is for informational purposes only. BrainHQ is not intended to diagnose or treat any clinical condition.
Reversal of age-related neural timing delays with training
Anderson et al. (2013)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
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Training changes processing of speech cues in older adults with hearing loss
Anderson et al. (2013)
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
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Partial maintenance of auditory-based cognitive training benefits in older adults
Anderson et al. (2014)
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The influence of perceptual training on working memory in older adults
Berry et al. (2010)
PLoS One
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Cognitive and physical training for the elderly: Evaluating outcome efficacy by means of neurophysiological synchronization
Frantzidis et al. (2014)
International Journal of Psychophysiology
View abstract
Neural plasticity underlying visual perceptual learning in aging
Mishra et al. (2015)
Brain Research
View abstract
Cognitive training and selective attention in the aging brain: An electrophysiological study
O’Brien et al. (2013)
Clinical Neurophysiology
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Cognitive training changes hippocampal function in mild cognitive impairment: A pilot study
Rosen et al. (2011)
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
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The effects of useful field of view training on brain activity and connectivity
Ross et al. (2018)
The Journals of Gerontology, Series B
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The neural correlates of an expanded functional field of view
Scalf et al. (2007)
Journals of Gerontology Series B
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A combination of physical activity and computerized brain training improves verbal memory and increases cerebral glucose metabolism in the elderly
Shah et al. (2014)
Translational Psychiatry
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Neurocognitive enhancement in older adults: Comparison of three cognitive training tasks to test a hypothesis of training transfer in brain connectivity
Strenziok et al. (2014)
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