Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: September 30, 2013
You may have inadvertently received a newsletter from Posit Science last week. Dr. Mahncke and I would like to apologize for the error. Please rest assured that going forward you will only receive messages from DynamicBrain as we are your Canadian connection to BrainHQ from Posit Science.
On that note, DynamicBrain has had an amazing September of impacting the lives of Canadians which I'd like to share with you! First of all, we had the great opportunity to showcase BrainHQ at the Sheridan Elder Research Centre Anniversary. We followed that up by successfully launching our first Brain Gym in Ottawa at the Olde Forge. Finally, we had the great pleasure of attending the Brain Injury Association of Canada's Annual Conference in Kingston where we shared our brand new Brain Injury Survivor Course which has just been added to BrainHQ. Please try the program out and share the message if you know someone who could benefit from it!
Enjoy your training!
Kind Regards, Frieda Fanni President DynamicBrain Inc.
DynamicBrain Inc. is the Canadian partner of Posit Science Corporation.
The Fiction of Memory - TED
Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus studies false memories, when people either remember things that didn't happen or remember them differently from the way they really were.
Watch here.
Can Phobias Be Cured in Our Sleep?
Freed from the distractions of recording new experiences, a deeply sleeping brain can organize and strengthen memories, especially emotional ones.
Read here.
Brain Scans of Porn Addicts
An interesting article by Dr. Norman Doidge, MD, the author of
The Brain That Changes Itself.
Read here.
Hope for Huntington's from Fulbright Research
Dr. Merzenich's treating brain diseases such as autism, dyslexia and schizophrenia is about to be adapted to see if it can help people with Huntington's disease.
Learn more.
Bone Hormone Influences Brain Development and Cognition
During pregnancy, the bone hormone osteocalcin is produced by the mother; it crosses the placenta, to reach the fetus, where it promotes the formation of the hippocampus and the development of spatial learning and memory.
Learn more.
Can TBI Impair a Child's Working Memory?
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) during childhood can have long-term effects on cognitive and psychosocial functioning, including poor academic achievement.
Learn more.
Man Controls Artificial Leg Using Only His Brain
Aided by sensors receiving impulses from nerves and muscles that once carried signals to his missing knee and ankle, Zac Vawter is able to climb and descend stairs, and more importantly flex the device's ankle, enabling a near-normal gait!
watch here.
Book of the Month, Recommended by our Dr. Michael Merzenich
Coming of Age on Zoloft: How Antidepressants Cheered Us Up, Let Us Down, and Changed Who We Are (2013)
Katherine Sharpe
10% of Americans over the age of six regularly use an anti-depressant like Zoloft or Prozac. As one of those people, Katherine Sharpe wanted to know how it was affecting her identity, her relationships, and her generation as a whole. Using personal self-reflection, interviews, culture, and history, she paints a clear yet complex picture of "the antidepressant generation" with thoughtfulness and depth.
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