Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: September 19 2012
Did you know that George Bach-y-Rita, a medical student in Mexico, taught his father Pedro, who had suffered a massive stroke at age sixty five with his face and half of his body paralyzed, to go from crawling, to moving on his knees, to standing up, and to walking; just like a baby? Within 12 months, Pedro Bach-y-Rita, a professor of Spanish at the City University in New York was back teaching full-time in his old job!
From the book The Brain That Changes Itself, by Norman Doidge, M.D.
Take advantage of this refreshing weather and go for a brisk walk! And, if you find our newsletters informative, please pass it on.
Kind Regards, Frieda Fanni DynamicBrain Inc. President
The Science of Worrying
Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can help understand people's behaviors, be it your spouses, partners, children, relatives, friends or co-workers.
Learn about OCD.
Cleaning Out the Junk in Your Brain
Neuroscientists discover brain's cleansing system that might help to flush away buildup of proteins associated with Alzheimer or other neurodegenerative disorders.
Read more.
Music and ChildrenMusic is magical in so many ways. Music is for everyone! Find out how music training enhances children's verbal intelligence among other benefits.
Read here.
Brain Plasticity with Dr. Fred Travis
Watch your brain in a calm & alert state with no stress or distraction - a state to enable creativity! It is 15 minutes and worth the time.
Watch here.
Brain Food: Add Turmeric into your Diet
Turmeric and its active component, curcumin are used as both medicine and food for centuries. Researchers find that this bright yellow widely used spice which has shown to enhance memory in humans, may also give your brain a kick!
Read more.
Einstein's Longevity Genes Project
Want to live long and healthy? Researchers have found that personality traits like being outgoing, optimistic, easygoing, and enjoying laughter may play a big role!
Learn more.
Book of the Month
The Scientific American Healthy Aging Brain: The Neuroscience of Making the Most of Your Mature Mind (2012), by Judith Horstman
In her fourth book about brain science, Judith Horstman tackles the aging brain with a positive perspective-that aging is not a disease, but a reward for being lucky enough to have a long life. Her tone is optimistic and constructive, and her suggestions are based on scientific evidence. She discusses the different types and causes of mental decline in a forthright and practical manner, and reminds the reader that there are ways to combat and reverse many types of decline.
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