Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: November 22, 2016
By now, you have most likely heard about the results from the latest independent study on cancer-related cognitive decline (chemobrain) which used our program, BrainHQ. One important outcome of the study is the ability of cancer survivors to reverse symptoms of cognitive impairment by training at the comfort of their home.
However, if you live in Ottawa, Canada, and wish to train in a group setting, please feel free to join one of our Brain Fitness Classes near you.
If you or your organization are interested in offering similar group classes in your city, please contact us at and we will send you more information and supporting materials.
Make sure you don’t miss your own training today either as a member or just a quick workout at The Daily Spark.
If you wish to subscribe, please click here.
Kind regards, Frieda Fanni President DynamicBrain Inc.
DynamicBrain Inc. is the Canadian partner of Posit Science Corporation providing brain fitness program BrainHQ in English and French.
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