Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: March 31, 2013
A clinical trial is underway to treat Schizophrenia with our partner, Posit Science's online brain training program.
The trial is aimed for FDA approval and is being conducted in collaboration with the Schizophrenia Trials Network, a group of university-based researchers - walking away from a doctor's office with a prescription to play our computer games may be sooner than you think!
Learn more.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask, we are here to help!
Kind Regards, Frieda Fanni DynamicBrain Inc. President
Launch of a New BrainHQ Exercise
Have you tried our new exercise "Freeze Frame" at This exercise targets attention and focus by improving your alertness. It will help with productivity, shifting focus, multitasking, and performing optimally.
Learn more or
try it for free for a week or two!
Brain "clean-up crew" Visualized by MRI
While all parts of the body flush out waste using lymphatic system, our central nervous system (CNS) relies on a waste clearance pathway known as the glymphatic system.
Read more.
Mum's stress impacts unborn baby's brain
Researchers, from the University of Pennsylvania, found that stress is transmitted to the placenta, altering the levels of a protein that can affect brain development in the foetus.
Read more.
Mice get brain boost from human tissue
Transplanting human brain cells into mice makes the mice smarter, a new study shows.
Learn more.
Homeless at Higher Risk for Traumatic Brain Injury
The majority suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) before becoming homeless, which suggests that TBI might be a risk factor for homelessness. It's also possible that impulse control disorders could predispose individuals to both TBI and homelessness.
Read more.
MRI shows brain abnormalities in migraine patients
A new study suggests that migraines are related to brain abnormalities present at birth and others that develop over time. The research is published online in the journal
Read more.
Book of the Month, Recommended by Dr. Michael Merzenich
This Is Your Brain on Sex: The Science Behind the Search for Love (2013)
Kayt Sukel
After a divorce, author Kayt Sukel decided to dive into the wild and crazy world of the neuroscience of love and sex. Talking with a wide variety of experts, and in some cases, being a guinea pig in their experiments, she approached the topic from many different angles. How does your brain choose between love and lust? Why are love and hate such close emotions? Sukel answers these questions, and many more, in this funny, heartfelt, and informative book.
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