Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: June 30, 2013
In SMARTER BRAINS (airing in August 2013), PBS shows the amazing science behind our intelligence - how it shapes our experience, and how we can change and improve it, regardless of our age. The show will feature top world brain scientists, including our Dr. Michael Merzenich! Watch the preview here.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Enjoy your training!
Kind Regards, Frieda Fanni President DynamicBrain Inc.
DynamicBrain Inc. is the Canadian partner of Posit Science Corporation.
Brain Injury May Raise Stroke Risk
While stroke risk is usually tied to older adults, about 20 percent occur in those under 65 according to a study published by the University of Michigan Medical School.
Learn more.
Sugary, starchy foods stimulate brain region involved in addiction
"We showed for the first time that refined carbohydrates can trigger food cravings many hours later, not through psychological mechanisms but through biological effects" on the brain, said lead author Dr. David Ludwig.
Read here.
One in five Ontario students report serious brain injury, new study says
A new Canadian study is painting a frightening picture of head injuries among teenagers, finding that serious blows to the brain are occurring more often than thought.
Macleans article. CTV report.
Brain wave video games 'should be classified as medical devices'
The recommendation is part of a wider call for 'smarter' regulation to ensure technology that connects with the brain is used in ways that put the care and safety of patients first.
Read here.
BrainHQ New Memory Exercise
We all constantly scan scenes in the world around us, picking out important details and noting changes. It's what helps us find a book on a shelf or keep track of a child on a playground. With Scene Crasher, our newest memory exercises, you can improve this visual memory and notice more than ever before.
Try Scene Crasher for Free for a week or two.
Book of the Month, Recommended by Dr. Michael Merzenich
100 Plus: How the Coming Age of Longevity Will Change Everything, From Careers and Relationships to Family and Faith (2013)
Sonia Arrison
People are living longer and longer - and many of us may well live past 100 years old. What does the future hold for this brave new world of centenarians? Futurist Sonia Arrison discusses how this coming age of super-longevity could affect everything in our world, from family life to finances, to medicine, healthcare, religion, and globalization.
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