Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: June 13, 2012
We are starting a
Monthly Newsletter to share interesting articles and video clips on brain plasticity, as well as tips on how to maintain and improve cognitive abilities. If you prefer not to receive this Monthly Newsletter, please
unsubscribe yourself at the bottom of this email. If you find it useful, please
share with others.
Your feedback is very appreciated and will help us improve!
Best Regards, Frieda Fanni DynamicBrain Inc. President
How to Maintain Cognitive Abilities - 10 Tips from Dr. Michael Merzenich
a renowned neuroscientist, inventor of Cochlear Implant and the world's leading researcher on brain plasticity. It is Dr. Merzenich who claimed that plasticity exists from the cradle to the grave and that radical improvements in cognitive functioning - how we learn, think, perceive, and remember - are possible even in the elderly.
Learn more
iPod Project: A Story of Music and Memory
Alive inside; how music can bypass the ravages of dementia and awakens people like Henry living for years in silence! Click
here &
here to watch.
A New Map of the Brain
It turns out that our brain is organized even if we are not! This beautiful image shows the brain in action. As you can see, it suggests our neural pathways are organized in a three-dimensional grid-like fashion, rather than in the traditional model of a seemingly chaotic scribble.
Learn more about how this image was taken and what it might mean for the study of the brain.
The Art of Failing Successfully
Did you know why some people are able to translate their failures into success, while others fail again and again? Why are some people so much more effective at learning from their errors?
Click here to learn how to help our children learn from their failures!
The Link Between Night Sleep and Junk Food
Here's another reason for getting a decent night's sleep: junk food is even more appealing to your brain when you're sleep-starved, according to a new study. The results suggest that, under restricted sleep, individuals will find unhealthy foods highly salient and rewarding
Learn more.
2012 Aging and Disability Technology Summit, San Francisco
This year, the goal was to stimulate usage and adoption of broadband services through programs designated to help seniors and adults with disabilities. Funded by the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program, computers arriving at senior and community centres all over San Francisco have Dr. Merzenich's Brain Training Program installed on them. This 3-minute video is from the Summit on "Elder Abuse" and really fun to watch!
Click here.
Healthy Brain: How to Feed It
We are told repeatedly to eat more fruit and vegetables - they're packed with fibre, vitamins A and C, folate and hundreds of antioxidants including beta-carotene, lutein and lycopene. Now
read what to eat to protect your memory.
Controlling Robotic Hand with Mind
Did you know that by just THINKING, we can change our brain? Here is another amazing case of brain plasticity. For a month, Pierpaolo Petruzziello's amputated arm was connected to a robotic limb, allowing him to feel sensations and control the arm with his thoughts.
Watch here.