Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: July 19, 2018
Over 30% of patients who survive the treatment in intensive care units (ICU’s) report newly-acquired or accelerated cognitive impairment. Of those, between a third and half are on the verge of unemployment 12 months later, often due to cognitive recovery issues. A recent study demonstrates that with 42 hours of BrainHQ training, a significantly more positive, prognosis outcome can be achieved.
Time and again, BrainHQ has shown to make a positive impact on people’s health, while also lowering the impact on governmental healthcare costs. If you’ve missed your round of brain training today, please be sure to try an exercise here.
Kind regards, Frieda Fanni President DynamicBrain Inc.
DynamicBrain Inc. is the Canadian partner of Posit Science Corporation providing brain fitness program BrainHQ in English and French.
Just like fingerprints, your brain is distinctly unique
Study led by Swiss neuropsychologists links genetic factors along with experiences as the two key determinants shaping our brains. Based on the latest magnetic resonance imaging technology, the findings are noteworthy as past studies concluded the human brain had few if any uniquely identifiable characteristics. Brain scans are not expected to replace fingerprinting any time soon though, as MRIs are simply too costly and time intensive. Learn more
Brain metastases survival rate doubles with immunotherapy
New research analysis on cancer data out of the United States shows use of immunotherapy in treatment of melanoma, which has metastasized to the brain, as significantly improving survival odds. Researchers achieved this by focusing on boosting the immune system's anticancer powers through using drugs that block specific proteins in cells. Learn more
Brain of autistic children folds differently compared to norm
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