Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: July 18, 2017
As we walk through our daily life bombarded with information, we may occasionally miss an important message hidden in the noise. I would like to once again share the following, invaluable, quote from Dr. Merzenich for your well-being. I will take any opportunity to reiterate this message and hope that you will take it to your heart, and share it with others.
“We have worked hard in our labs and done our share to help people understand their brain and show them how to prevent unnecessary brain aging or fix it before it’s too late; beyond this point it’s their responsibility to take it, or drop it!”
Dr. Michael Merzenich
If you haven’t exercised your brain today, please try the Daily Spark at the minimum.
Kind regards, Frieda Fanni President DynamicBrain Inc.
DynamicBrain Inc. is the Canadian partner of Posit Science Corporation providing brain fitness program BrainHQ in English and French.
Reverting the brain to childhood to relearn hearing
There is a ‘critical period’ in early childhood when our brain is primed and ready to turn sensory experience, such as hearing, into a neural network capable of processing sound. These developmental windows seem to be controlled by a molecule called adenosine and scientists, by blocking its signalling, have succeeded in reproducing the critical period in late adulthood. Could this mean that one day an adult will learn a new language as easy as a child, and speak with no accent? Read more
Serotonin levels and SIDS
The underlying cause of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a longstanding scientific mystery. A recent study has found a potential link between elevated serotonin levels and SIDS. Further study could lead to an easier forensic diagnosis and a possible preventative screening test. Learn more about the study
Refocusing research on how memories form
Like anything in life, research into how memories form has gone through different fads and areas of focus. While a lot of recent research has gone into the connections throughout our brains, neuroscientists are now urging colleagues to explore how groups of brain cells work together as a vital aspect of forming memories. Read more about this more comprehensive view
Light therapy can heal our brain
It’s a well known fact that using a certain type of light helps treat seasonal affective disorder. And, the light emitted from screens we use daily such as lcd tvs, phone screens and tablets has been shown to affect our sleep patterns. Some hospitals looking into light therapy are now using it to help reset the internal clocks of some patients and jumpstarting their recovery. Find out how this light therapy and our circadian rhythms affect our brain health