Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: July 17, 2012
Did you know that the process of aging begins in early 30s with occasional forgetfulness; with the rate of decline accelerating after age 50? As you keep your body fit, help improve your brain's cognitive abilities by learning new things on a regular basis. Learning a new language or musical instrument in adulthood is a great brain exercise.
Enjoy the summer and please let us know if you have any questions or comments. Your feedback is always appreciated and will help us improve!
Best Regards, Frieda Fanni DynamicBrain Inc. President
The Woman Who Changed her Brain
A synopsis of Dr. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young's personal challenges growing up with severe learning disabilities and how she has helped herself and many others using brain plasticity.
Learn more.
10 Misconceptions about Aging
Gone are the days when the adult brain was assumed to be a stagnant entity!
Read here the 10 misconceptions about aging.
Are musicians born or made?
What is the line between skill and talent in any domain, and can we acquire either later in life? That's what neuroscientist Dr. Gary Marcus explored in Guitar Zero.
Read more.
Is Chronic Pain all in your Head?
Researchers say literally yes! The report published in the journal Nature Neuroscience explains why some people have lifelong chronic pain and others do not when the person has suffered the same injury.
Learn more.
Our Brain's Incredible Ability and Plasticity
Watch Jody Miller's amazing story, her seizures at age 3, hemispherectomy and how resilient is the human brain!
Watch here.
Brain Food: Add some fat in your salad
Fat-soluble nutrients like lycopene, beta carotene and lutein are strong antioxidants and beneficial to your brain's cognition. These nutrients need a little bit of fat to get absorbed into your system. This applies the most to salads because the vegetables aren't prepared with anything except the dressing. A recent study shows that the best dressing to use is actually NOT the fat-free kind. Adding a little bit of monounsaturated fat such as canola oil or olive oil will help with the absorption of these valuable nutrients.
Abstract study results.
Just for Laugh
For years, it was thought that cognitive changes are an unavoidable consequence of brain machinery wearing down over time. But recent evidence suggests that mental stimulation improves brain function and actually protects against cognitive decline, as does physical exercise. So
listen to Pam Peterson's song 'Senior Moments' just to laugh and release dopamine, one of the brain chemicals that enables plasticity.