Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: February 19, 2018
We are thrilled to announce that starting February 21st, we are offering Brain Fitness classes at the Elizabeth Bruyere Hospital in Ottawa. And, starting in September 2018, we are planning to offer these classes in Toronto as well.
As you are aware, the BrainHQ exercises have been shown in more than 140 peer-reviewed papers to have benefits across varied populations. In studies of older adults, the exercises have shown improved standard measures of cognition (e.g., speed, attention, memory, and executive function) as well as standard measures of quality of life (e.g., depressive symptoms, feeling of control, self-rated health, and functional independence) and overall beneficial improvements to real world activities (e.g., driving, balance, gait, and everyday cognition).
With help from medical institutions such as the Bruyere Hospital and the Federation of Quebec Alzheimer Societies, we are hoping to reach many more of our aging population before it’s too late!
For those of you who do not train on a regular basis, please try a small dose here.
Kind regards, Frieda Fanni President DynamicBrain Inc.
DynamicBrain Inc. is the Canadian partner of Posit Science Corporation providing brain fitness program BrainHQ in English and French.
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