Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: December 19, 2021
2021 is coming to an end, and we would like to send you our warmest greetings for the upcoming holidays and wish you and your loved ones the very best for the New Year!
We had an inspiring year, thanks to a high number of published studies that have shown how BrainHQ can help diverse groups of people—young or old, healthy or with clinical conditions. Also, to our brain fitness course participants who helped us take this grassroots initiative to the next level and spread the word about brain health far and wide—thank you!
For those of you who still don’t have full access to BrainHQ, we’re doing our part by offering you $35 ($30 US) to spend towards a subscription for yourself or towards a meaningful gift to give to someone you care about.
Happy holidays! Stay safe! Frieda Fanni President DynamicBrain Inc.
DynamicBrain Inc. is the Canadian partner of Posit Science Corporation since 2010 providing brain fitness program BrainHQ in English and French.
Taking aim
Cells in our bodies grow old and die. That’s perfectly normal. But there are some old, sick cells that can’t repair themselves or die off when they should. Those are called senescent cells. Alzheimer’s researchers have managed to identify a specific type of senescent cell in the brain that they hope may serve as a new target for Alzheimer’s treatment. It was a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack, but they did it!
Read more about this exciting discovery
It’s not rocket science
Are rocket scientists and brain surgeons really smarter than everyone else like this old expression suggests? That’s the question a new observational study sought to answer. To put it to the test, researchers compared the intelligence of 329 aerospace engineers and 72 brain surgeons with 18,257 members of the general public. The participants took an online test to measure a whole gamma of intelligence domains, including cognition, reasoning, and attention.
The results may surprise you! Read about them
Brain drain
Did you know that your brain is the biggest “gas guzzler” in your body? Considering its weight and size compared to other organs, the brain consumes far more energy than any other organ. What’s more, it does this even while it’s at rest and its nerve cells are not transmitting impulses, which has long puzzled scientists. Now, in a new study, researchers think they may have pinned down what’s responsible for this brain drain of energy.
Check out what the study uncovered