August 2024 - Discover and learn about brain functions, along with the latest news on brain plasticity and research!
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Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: August 21, 2024

Did you know that chronic mild stress drives an array of negative changes in our body and brain and that increases our risk of experiencing physical and neurological issues? Our Dr. Merzenich explains how this works in clear terms and suggests some strategies to address it while using the current US election anxiety as an example. Learn more.

Please don’t forget your brain training today and, if you still don’t have full access, join now.

Kind regards,
Frieda Fanni
DynamicBrain Inc.

DynamicBrain Inc. is the Canadian partner of Posit Science Corporation since 2010 providing brain fitness program BrainHQ in English and French.

Jumpstarting cognition and memory
What if we could restore cognition and memory in Alzheimer’s patients? Currently, certain treatment for Alzheimer’s involves slowing the rate of cognitive decline, but nothing exists yet to revitalize cognition or memory. A recent study on mice with Alzheimer’s disease has identified a molecule that essentially jumpstarts the brain’s memory circuitry. See how this discovery contributes to our understanding of Alzheimer’s and potential treatment for it.

Plastics exposure and autism
You may have heard about the hypothesis that there’s a link between autism and exposure to plastic chemicals in the womb. Some studies have already been shown to support this. Adding to the growing evidence, new work has demonstrated how this link occurs at the biological level with a certain plastic disrupting fetal brain development. Read on to find out more.

Remembering in sequence
When you sleep, groups of neurons in the hippocampus replay past experiences and predict possible future ones by creating new mental representations based on prior knowledge. But how does the brain organize prior experiences into sequence and encode new memories without disrupting the older ones? This is the question Yale University researchers sought to answer. Hear what they discovered about the brain’s sequencing of experiences.

In This Issue

Jumpstarting cognition and memory
Plastics exposure and autism
Remembering in sequence
The toll of racism on the brain
Gut reaction
Your Brain Holds the Key to Safer Driving!
Blogs and Resources




Category-based published studies

Studies on clinical conditions for researchers

2016 Alzheimer’s Conference announcement

ACTIVE Study Published - Brain Training and Dementia

Healthy Aging

Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment

Cognitive Impairment due to Heart Failure

Fall Risk and Mobility

The IMPACT Study

The ACTIVE Study

The IHAMS Study

The toll of racism on the brain
Experiencing racism can shorten your life. That’s what a team of researchers discovered when they observed the effects of racism on the cellular level. Black women exposed to racism show stronger connections in brain networks involved with stress-related rumination and vigilance. Sadly, this in turn appears to be connected to accelerated biological aging. Read on to see how this is so and why this matters.

Gut reaction
Your gut and brain are intricately connected. Various studies have found that psychological states can influence immunity through changes in the gut microbiome—the vast community of microorganisms that reside in the digestive system. Stress can reduce beneficial bacteria and increase the risk of infection. How exactly stress-sensitive neural circuits alter the gut microbiome was the subject of a recent study published in the journal Cell. Learn what the study has to teach us.

Your Brain Holds the Key to Safer Driving!
Your brain is one of the most important pieces of safety equipment when you get behind the wheel of a car. As we age, our reaction times slow down and our field of vision decreases. This means our safety on the road is also reduced. By spending only 10 hours doing the engaging driving cognitive training program you can save your life and the lives of others on the road! Learn more here.

News, More Interesting Articles and Blogs
New findings suggest alternative mechanisms behind Alzheimer's disease
Classical music lifts our mood by synchronizing our 'extended amygdala'
Cocaine discovery could pave way for treatment for substance abuse
Study offers possible explanation for link between diabetes and Alzheimer's
Study reveals how physical health impacts mental health via brain pathways
How experience shapes neural connectivity in the brain
What happens to your brain when you drink with friends?
Study reveals unique histone tag in oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, opening doors for advanced myelin repair therapies
Serotonin-producing neurons regulate malignancy in ependymoma brain tumors
Research in mice shows how aging brain blood vessels may affect brain health
Sleep deprivation in mice found to reduce brain synapse diversity
Eating for necessity or pleasure? There is a brain circuit for that
Research explains why virus causing cold sores does not spread to devastating brain infection
UBC Medicine celebrates exceptional Canadian researchers in cancer, brain and heart disorders
Key factor found in drug-context links, relapse
How Plasticity-based Brain Training Works
10 Brain Exercises for Seniors
Description of BrainHQ Exercises
BrainHQ Exercise Tutorials
BrainHQ Features Overview
Comparing Your Performance To Others
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