Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: April 22, 2022
A new study conducted by researchers from Stanford University and the University of Rochester found that patients with amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) who use our BrainHQ exercises have shown gains not only in standard neuropsychological measures of speed, attention and memory, but also in physical measures of brain connectivity. Learn more.
While researchers reported in the ACTIVE study a reduction of up to 48% in dementia incidences among healthy aging people, this new study is the 20th indicating that our BrainHQ exercises can drive improvements in brain health in people with pre-dementia conditions.
Please take your brain health seriously and do your BrainHQ training today. If you still don’t have full access, you can join now.
Kind regards, Frieda Fanni President DynamicBrain Inc.
DynamicBrain Inc. is the Canadian partner of Posit Science Corporation since 2010 providing brain fitness program BrainHQ in English and French.
Blood brain barrier & Alzheimer’s
Your brain is equipped with a sophisticated filtration system. The blood brain barrier is a dense system of blood vessels in the brain that ensure that only the most essential substances pass through to the brain. A new hypothesis posits that damage to this protective system may be the root cause of Alzheimer’s disease.
Read about the full scope of the hypothesis
Early environmental influence
We’ve known for quite some time that difficult environmental factors such as poverty and crime can have a negative impact on newborns. What we didn’t realize is that these environmental factors may influence the structure and function of young brains even before babies make their entrance into the world. A new study suggests that a mother’s experiences during pregnancy can have a major impact on her infant’s brain development.
Read on
Growth chart for the brain
Height and weight charts are a common sight in a doctor’s office, and often a check-up at the pediatrician involves a number of comprehensive growth charts, complete with metrics for gauging how a child is growing. Unfortunately, a similar tool doesn’t exist for brain development – yet! Researchers are working on changing that. They have amassed the largest collection of brain scans ever to create the first comprehensive growth chart for brain development.
Explore what the sheer magnitude of this study means