Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: April 19, 2019
A new study has just been published, showing the effect that training for twelve hours on BrainHQ has on power line workers. After four years, results found that 62.5% of those training with BrainHQ were error free, compared to 15.8% of the control group. This significant reduction in errors is not only great news for power line workers, as many high-risk professionals can benefit from training on BrainHQ - even police officers.
What excellent motivation to start your brain workout today.
Kind regards, Frieda Fanni President DynamicBrain Inc.
DynamicBrain Inc. is the Canadian partner of Posit Science Corporation providing brain fitness program BrainHQ in English and French.
The brain orchestra
In a recent study published in
Nature Neuroscience, researchers have shown that synchronizing brain wave patterns can boost recall in older people for a short period of time. This new research could lead to breakthroughs in therapy for disorders such as dementia, schizophrenia, and autism.
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Animal-assisted therapy
For many of us, pets bring us joy and companionship, and often help to keep us calm and healthy. Rehabilitation research suggests that animals can do even more to help. A study on animal-assisted therapy for patients with brain injuries found that the simple presence of animals improved patients’ social competence, and increased their emotional involvement by motivating them to care for and engage with the animals. Think of this next time the dog tries to chew your sofa!
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Smell the roses
Imagine never being able to smell the fresh scent of a lemon or clean linen, your favourite flower or those scents which trigger nostalgic memories. Almost a quarter of people in the US and Canada over forty have an impaired sense of smell. Research on the sense of smell lags behind that on vision and hearing, but that could be about to change. Researchers are now developing a device which could restore your sense of smell.
Learn more about the project
Early age impact of poverty
A recent study looked at how poverty impacts the brain and behavioural development at an early age. Using portable neuroimaging technology, they assessed how children remember and recognize visual information, which is a reliable indicator for early cognitive development. Findings show that children from more impoverished settings had weaker brain activity. The researchers hope to use their finding to help break the cycle of poverty.
Read about this study