Brain development affected by economic standing
It's long been known that kids from higher income families perform better academically, but it turns out that there is a direct link between socioeconomic status and brain size. However, since brain growth is affected by things like nutrition, quality of health care and education as well as play areas and air quality—social and environmental changes can greatly improve brain growth. Learn more
Your brain never shuts off
If you've ever stared off into space thinking about nothing in order to conserve your mental energy, it turns out your brain likely burned just as much fuel as when performing specific tasks. Entering an idle "sleep" mode doesn't just create neural static, but appears to activate specific areas as if running a diagnostic on your neuro-network, keeping it ready for use. Read about it
Brain networks differ in children with OCD
When our brains are performing basic memory tasks, the communication network between certain areas in our brains are activated. If this network is somehow impaired it can trap a person into specific forms of behaviour, which is believed to be a key to improving treatment in patients suffering from OCD. Read about the research
Brain’s reaction to violence
If we can understand how our brains justify violent scenarios, might we be able to better treat patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder? Scientists are trying to better map how our brains react to these situations in the hopes of improving outcomes and providing new rehabilitation techniques. Find out more
A motivated life is good for your brain
Are you achieving your goals? Do you feel like you’re making a difference? Congratulations, you are also improving your brain’s health and reducing your risk of stroke. It turns out that being mindful of what motivates you and having a sense of purpose is not an intangible quality, but scientifically proven to be good for you. Read about the study
Driving Cognitive Training that Cuts Crash Risk by 50%
Your brain is one of the most important pieces of safety equipment when you get behind the wheel of a car. As we age, our reaction times slow down and our field of vision decreases. This means our safety on the road is also reduced. By spending only 10 hours doing our engaging driving cognitive training program you can save your life and the lives of others on the road!
Learn more and find out your
CRASH RISK now - it's free.
Events and Conferences
The Sheridan Centre for Elder Research
Mobility and Fall Prevention - Hands-on Workshop
April 30, 2015. Drop-in time between 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Sheridan College, K Wing, 1430 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario.
For questions or registeration, please contact: Paulina Camino at 905.845.9430 x 8617 or email at
Blogs and Resources
Brain Training and the Workplace
Series: Brain Plasticity and Brain Injury
Series: Memory Recall - The Key to Happiness in Old Age!
Series: Personal Health - Why We Need to Take Control
What is Brain Plasticity?
How Plasticity-based Brain Training Works
How Can BrainHQ Help You?
12 Benefits of BrainHQ Exercises
Description of BrainHQ Exercises
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