Some of you, our BrainHQ users, have asked us for futher details on how to do each exercise and we are providing it below - we hope that you will find them useful.
Please click on each exercise below for a detailed set of instructions. (work-in-progress)
Attention Exercises
Divided Attention |
Double Decision |
Mixed Signals |
Target Tracker |
Freeze Frame |
Brain Speed Exercises
Eye for Detail |
Fine Tuning |
Hawk Eye |
Sound Sweeps |
Visual Sweeps |
Memory Exercises
Memory Grid |
To-Do List Training | Syllable Stacks | Scene Crasher | Rhythm Recall |
Hear Hear | Mind's Eye |
People Skills Exercises
Face to Face |
In the Know |
Recognition |
Face Facts |
Intelligence Exercises
Card Shark |
Auditory Ace |
Juggle Factor |
Mind Bender |
Navigation Exercises
Right Turn |
True North |
Mental Map |
Optic Flow |