BrainHQ Exercises Descriptions

Some of you, our BrainHQ users, have asked us for futher details on how to do each exercise and we are providing it below - we hope that you will find them useful.

Please click on each exercise below for a detailed set of instructions. (work-in-progress)


Attention Exercises

Divided Attention

Double Decision

Mixed Signals

Target Tracker

Freeze Frame


Brain Speed Exercises

Eye for Detail

Fine Tuning

Hawk Eye

Sound Sweeps

Visual Sweeps


Memory Exercises

Memory Grid

To-Do List Training

Syllable Stacks

Scene Crasher

Rhythm Recall

Hear Hear

Mind's Eye


People Skills Exercises

Face to Face

In the Know


Face Facts


Intelligence Exercises

Card Shark

Auditory Ace

Juggle Factor

Mind Bender


Navigation Exercises

Right Turn

True North

Mental Map

Optic Flow