Tom Brady’s Secret Weapon: BrainHQ

Tom Brady acknowledged just before the Super Bowl that he has been using online brain training platform BrainHQ for three years. He noted that the exercises help him “stay sharp and make better split-second decisions on the field.” Read more.
Summary: 10 Brain Exercises for Seniors

The science of brain plasticity is the basis of our BrainHQ exercises. Your brain is constantly in a state of change–sometimes for the worse, sometimes for the better. The exercises within BrainHQ are designed to harness your changing brain and direct it in ways that can enhance your overall cognitive performance. Read more.
10 Brain Exercises for Seniors: Exercise #10 Eye for Detail

Does the thought of driving somewhere new make you anxious? If the idea of going to a new part of town, searching for street names, numbers, following a map and the rules of the road, while keeping track of any developing situations in traffic feels overwhelming, it may come down to how your brain processes visual information. When going somewhere for the first time and trying to see everything simultaneously, your eyes will be all over the road, to put it one way. Focusing on one thing, like reading the address numbers can lead to less attention spent on driving safely, and near misses are just as likely to keep us at home as an actual accident. Read more.
10 Brain Exercises for Seniors: Exercise #9 Face Facts

As we age it is very important for us to build and nurture positive relationships with others. Meeting new people and staying connected is the key to avoiding the issues associated with social isolation. However, meeting new people is always a bit uncomfortable. There is a reason that there are countless courses available to help professionals with their networking skills. Perhaps you built your career in this manner and are now finding it more difficult to rely on the old networking tricks to remember the people you meet. It is often simply expected of us to remember the names, faces, and other details of the people we meet, if not by others then by ourselves. Read more.
10 Brain Exercises for Seniors: Exercise #8 Fine Tuning

Have you ever been in a noisy room and felt the person you were talking to was mumbling a bit, or that they were confusing their words? Yes, it may very well be that you are talking to someone who mumbles, but there is a pretty good chance your brain is simply confusing similar sounding syllables. It is very disruptive to constantly ask someone to repeat themselves when you are trying to have a conversation or listen to their funny story but that is the situation more and more of us find ourselves in as we age. This can lead to frustration on both parts, and can distract the other person enough that they end up losing their train of thought. Read more.
10 Brain Exercises for Seniors: Exercise #7 Recognition

It can be very unsettling when someone comes up to you and begins talking to you as if you were old friends, or at the very least you’ve met before, and you simply can’t remember who they are. It could be that you feel someone has a familiar face but you can’t quite place them in your memory. Maybe you have a job such as a nurse or doctor where you see quite a lot of patients but you can’t remember them the next time they come in or when you run into them outside of the office. It may take a few awkward moments to clear up the situation or you spend the rest of the day wondering if you really did know that person and what they must have thought about your lack of acknowledgement. Read more.
10 Brain Exercises for Seniors: Exercise #6 To-Do List Training

Running to the grocery store to pick up a few items seems like it should be the simplest of tasks to accomplish. Yet, time and again, we all come home without the one specific item we went for in the first place. Part of the reason is that the whole event is fraught with distractions your brain needs to sort out while trying to remember your list of items; be it traffic, staff trying to restock the fruit and vegetables so your cart can’t pass, the number of last minute additions your partner adds to your list, specials being announced over the store’s speakers, and navigating the aisles full of harried shoppers. Read more.
10 Brain Exercises for Seniors: Exercise #5 Double Decision

Slips, collisions and falls are a hazard at any age, but unfortunately, in older adults the effects can be much more debilitating. Risk of falls increases as we age as well as the severity of the injuries sustained from an accident like this. If that weren’t enough, one incident often leads to a downward spiral as fear of future falls limits mobility further with the added effect of increasing the risk of another fall, yet again. It may seem like this is just a matter of aging legs, but it’s not as simple as that. Read more.
Unique Brain Exercise Shown in Study to Lower Risk of Dementia

At the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference on July 24, 2016, the new results of landmark study were presented. This study, called the ACTIVE trial, showed that one particular type of brain exercise—called “speed training” in the study—cut the long-term risk of dementia nearly in half. We are thrilled to announce that the current version of the speed training cognitive intervention that was used in the ACTIVE study is our BrainHQ's “Double Decision” exercise. This is the first time that any intervention—brain-training program, physical exercise, diet/nutrition, or drug—has been shown to reduce the risk of dementia. Read more.
10 Brain Exercises for Seniors: Exercise #4 Visual Sweeps

Much like our auditory system, as we age our brain’s ability to process visual information quickly and accurately declines also; but because of the plastic nature of our brains, we can train our brain to improve and speed up its visual processing, and be able to better manage more information at quicker speeds. Creating a higher resolution picture in your mind means you can react quicker but also recollect what you’ve seen at a later time with more accuracy - that is, it improves your visual memory. Read more.
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