Right Turn

Imagine this scenario: you find yourself in an unfamiliar neighbourhood where you’ve decided to shop in a new store. On your return trip home, you have to reverse the order of directions to get there. Doing this involves mentally rotating the road map in your head so that no detours are made.

Or, let’s say you are doing a very challenging jigsaw puzzle. Mentally, you will need to rotate the individual pieces to ensure they are the right fit. In fact, the ability to rotate objects mentally is a skill that can help your brain performance in a variety of situations, as well as, keeping you alert!


Right Turn exercises your spatial rotation skills. Mental rotation can help your brain performance in a variety of situations. In fact, scientists have recently found that people who excel at mental rotation tend to be significantly more creative and better at math and science than those who lack that skill.

There are two images in the exercise that are placed adjacent to one another; however one is rotated relative to the other image. Your objective is then to decide whether these two images are the same or just mirror images of each other. To complete the exercise, you will need to mentally rotate the images so that you can rapidly compare them to one another and make your decision.


As you work your way through the exercise, it gets increasingly more difficult in the following manner:

  • Time allotted to compare images is reduced.
  • Original and mirror images become increasingly similar.
  • Images used vary.